FAQ questions for private dog training in your home.

Dog trainers located in Salem & Albany for dog training, puppy training, obedience training & behavior training.

Thank you for visiting our FAQ page. Here you will find many of the questions often asked by potential or existing clients searching for a qualified dog trainer.

If you still have questions, feel free to call us or visit or Contact Page.

What Makes Smart Dog Pet Training LLC Unique and Different From Other Dog Trainers?

We are an exclusive in-home dog training service that can be in your home or in public with real-world distractions teaching your dog how to ignore distractions such as other dogs and people no matter where you are at.

What Method of Dog Training Does Smart Dog Pet Training LLC and Their Trainers Utilize?

We only practice science based, positive reinforcement, force-free dog training without the use of aversive methods such as pinch collars and e-collars.

What is the best age to hire a Dog Trainer?

We can begin training your dog as early as 12-weeks. Week-by-week they become more alert and active, so it’s best to start your puppy as early as possible to develop good manners in the home.

What are good release words for dogs?

Release words are signals or cues that your dog is done working. Common release words are “ok” “done”, and “free”. Introduce your dog to a release word when using the cue “stay”.

Can I train my dog myself?

You can absolutely train your dog yourself if you are willing to be patient and daily training sessions. It is very important to begin understanding your dog’s body language and how to communicate with them, and training can develop a better bond with your dog if utilizing lot’s of love, reward and force-free positive reinforcement in your training.

How can I train my dog to settle down and relax in cue?

Teaching your dog self-control is a critical training lesson for most dogs who have anxiety issues, high energy and over-excitement. Teach your dog “place” is a great way to teach your dog self-control. The dog’s crate, a mat on the floor or even the dogs bed can be used with the the cue “Go to your bed”.

How can I train my dog to come when called every time?

In dog training, it’s not about teaching your dog to sit,stay, leave-it, and come, it’s about getting your dog to want to sit, stay, leave-it, and come. When you call your dog, give him/her a reason to want to come to you like a tasty treat or exciting toy.

How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Reacting To Other Dogs On Walks?

It is important to teach your dog how to avoid distractions anywhere you may be by offering an alternative behavior such as the cue “Watch Me” and have the dog focus on you using high value treats (high value is defined by the dog) when distracted. Most commonly used by trainers may also be what we call counter-conditioning and desensitization to reduce dog reactivity. Begin allowing your dog to see other dogs at a distance (called threshold) without any reactivity. Then begin to close the distance slowly, at your dog’s pace. Always try to keep your dog under threshold if possible.

Can A Dog Be Trained To Stop Barking?

Dog’s are incredibly intelligent animals, and once owners understand how to properly communicate with their dogs, a dog can be taught pretty much anything. When dogs bark, we often ask “why is the dog barking?” If we know why the dog is barking, it is much easier to provide a solution to teach the dog to stop barking, such as using an alternative behavior, the “Watch Me” command, or maybe the “Quiet” command.

How Do I Get My Puppy To Stop Nipping At Everything?

Nipping and biting puppies is a very normal behavior and can often stop or reduce as they begin to get maturity if handled properly at a very young age. Teaching your dog the “Leave-It” command is something you should teach your puppy very early on, in addition to bite inhibition and providing an alternative behavior when nipping and biting.

What are the 3-D’s of dog training?

Duration, Distance and Distraction. This should be taught at a very early age teaching your dog patience and common cues such as “sit”, “down”, and “stay” for longer periods of time, farther away from you, and in every possible distraction environment starting with low distractions first and then begin increasing the distractions such as in public places.

What is the 3 3 3 Rule for dog training?

The 3-3-3 rule is a set of guidelines for the first three days, three weeks, and three months after adopting a new dog. The goal of the 3-3-3 rule is to help the dog adjust to their new environment and build a strong foundation for a long and happy life with their new family.

What are the 5 golden rules of dog training?

Go at your dog’s pace; consistency and patience are the key; make the reward worthwhile; set your dog up for success; never punish

Why you should never repeat a cue when training a dog?

Dog owners frequently repeat commands over and over. If your dog didn’t respond the first time, repetition isn’t going to help. Repeating commands teaches a dog that the command is meaningless, or that it’s ok to respond in his own sweet time!